Tuesday 19 November 2013


After learning about Malala Yousasfai, we'll go deeper into the issue of gender gap in the following days.

"The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one"

In a powerful video project, Brown University (New England) student Emma Hall asked some of her classmates to read out statements generated by Google autofill searches for phrases like "women want" and "men should." Some of the examples? "Women want money" and "men should be able to hit women."

Watch what they came up with:

In groups you're going to do some research on Gender Gap in the world in aspects such as education, politics, economy, science, society....

Below you have different links to focus your study on. Try to get the most important information to later present to the rest of the groups what you learnt.


Watch the video by the World Economic Forum and comment on the initiatives they're carrying out to try to close the Gender Gap.



  • Gender Pay Gap: Study the following infographic and draw conclusions to share with the whole class. You can do further research.

The surprising truth about gender pay gap
Explore more infographics like this one on  Visually.


  • The Gender Gap in Computer Science. Study the infographic below and explain the reason for the gap and the latest tendency.
Closing The Gender Gap In Computer Science
Source: Best Computer Science Schools


  • Watch the video below with a summary of the report carried out by the World Economic Forum on Global Gender Gap and share what you understood. Don't forget to mention the reasons why Gender Gap does not benefit any country.

  • Are men and women planets apart? Study the infographic below and share your findings with the class:

Are Men & Women Still Planets Apart?
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


Last October was International Day of the Girl, and The Daily Show was able to interview Malala Yousafzai, a courageous young advocate for girls’ education from Pakistan’s Swat Valley. 

But first, let's remember her story.

Study this interactive timeline and get the information needed to retell her story.

Watch the following video about the story of Malala Yousafzai:

Last year, Malala was targeted and shot by radical Taliban militants while on her school bus. She was a youth blogger for the BBC advocating girls education in her native Pakistan, and continued to go to school despite a Taliban ban outlawing women’s education. Malala made a full recovery, and has since used her newfound fame to highlight the discrimination that girls often face when seeking an education in the developing world, and why girls’ education is so essential to the health of a society. 

Because of her courage in the face of great opposition, Mala was nominated for this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Although she didn't win the prize, she continues to speak out and raise money to promote education, despite renewed death threats against her...

At least one group was pleased with the decision not to reward her with the Nobel Prize. Find out more.
Let's do some reading aloud about her story.
Now you can watch the amazing interview. Take some notes for later discussion.

She spoke at the UN Youth Assembly on her 16th birthday.

Watch her speech and do the following taks: 
  • Send me an oral report with the best headlines in it. 

Answer the following questions in your report:

  • What were the Taliban's two goals in attacking Malala? How have their actions toward these goals backfired?
  • What role has technology played in Malala’s crusade?
  • What are the characteristics of a hero? Is Malala Yousafzai a hero? Find adjectives to describe her.
  • Malala's story teaches us that one person can make a big difference. In your own words, explian how Malala has made a difference in the world.
Deadline: 23rd November 

Despite the importance of the subject, let's finish the post with a smile. 

Watch the following short film "Pipas" (sunflower seeds) awarded with the best screenplay and best director in the 9th edtion of Notodofilmfest 

How does the video relate to the education gender gap topic?


You've just presented your gap year ideas orally in class and I think you did a good job out of it!! Below you have the projects devised for the Gap Year Project. Review the presentations and cast your vote for the best Gap Year Experience in your opinion.
Take into account the presentation and the viability of the project, but also your personal preferences for a gap year.

Write the title for each the presentation. Needless to say, you can't vote for your own presentation...


Tuesday 5 November 2013

ESL NewsPaper 2013

ESL students in the 4th year write news reports from photo prompts in groups and this is the result: the third edition of ESL NewsPaper.

Well done, everyone!